Welcome to EPIC Parenting Academy
A Place Where Parents Become EPIC!!
One thing is for sure - "A STRESSED Parent isn't the Best Parent!"
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We want everyone to be able to get the help they need
and become an EPIC Parent!
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Learn On YOUR Time
Learn from the convenience of your own home, when it fits into your own schedule. No added expense of traveling, finding a babysitter, or trying to juggle it in between all your other activities.
It's all online, for when it fits your schedule. Log in anytime and complete the lessons all at once, or one bite at a time.!
Being EPIC means: Being Engaged, Present, Intentional & Consistent
Gain awesome step-by-step skills and strategies empowering your parenting with confidence to become an EPIC paent for your children!
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Do Your Children Throw Temper Tantrums?
They can be the worst sometimes, right? Especially when they throw them IN PUBLIC! The embarrassment factor can feel overwhelming at times. I know...I've been that mom and in those moments it feels like EVERYONE is looking at you....with JUDGING EYES...or so it seems. Grocery stores became my all-time-worst event!!
But, did you know that Tantrums and Meltdowns aren't the same? They aren't. In fact, they are VERY different, and how you respond to them should be very different as well.
If you're not sure how to tell the difference, or how to respond effectively to each of them, I've created something you'll really love, and can greatly help you when you respond to each of them. Check it out!